Some people are sensitive to energy and emotional hurts of others and soak it up like a sponge. Others just soak up everything, not being able to discern if the energy is a benefit or a detriment to them. These people are said to be empathic. Sensing energy is a good idea because it is an early warning system but absorbing the energy is not such a good idea. It can make you feel strange or unwell.
Let me explain. An indigenous male, living the traditional lifestyle can probably sense potential danger or food source within 200 feet of where he is standing. If he senses danger, he doesn’t take on the energy of the hunted as put out by the hunter, he becomes invisible energetically and uses his senses to keep himself safe. He knows that he cannot become the hunted. If he does, he will become dinner. He doesn’t become the sponge. He uses his empathic skill as a tool of discernment to either get his dinner or avoid becoming it.
How we lost that ability to separate the feeling from the absorption, is all about boundaries. Those people who seem to be caring people have fields that are loaded with junk. Peace makers, care givers, care takers, and protectors are some of the role models that seem to want to make things better so they absorb whatever they sense around people they care about. Sometimes, they absorb what is projected at themselves by others.
If you are not energetically sensitive but you get gut feelings about things, you are also empathic. You are just a bit more clogged than some of the others. If you are not energetically aware you will think you feel fine but as you get older, the projections will take a toll on your health. It has been my experience that pain and stiffness are two very glaring examples of projections from others that absorb into your field. This usually happens because your energetic boundaries are not strong. Strong projections from others can also cause heart attacks and strokes. The energetic realm is far different than what you perceive with your outer sight.
The basis for everything that is, is energy. The zero-point field is the energetic framework on which everything is built. There are ergon particles whizzing around and through the empty spaces between the atoms and molecules that make up You. So energy is everywhere, but like most things, it picks up qualities that may make you happy and healthy or sick and sad.
So, to have empathy for others or other situations, means having discernment sensitive enough to absorb this energy because it is a happy, healthy energy and reject that one because it is sick and sad. Everything has qualities and discerning those qualities is paramount to whether your life will be the wonderful life you have always dreamed of, or the struggle to keep going in a life you don’t like.