Interpreter’s Freud by Geoffrey Hartman
Poets leave the trappings of their mind in the unconscious and from this creativity flows. Freud’s way of interpreting dreams becomes a powerful way of hermeneutics. Dream analysis is a science. Joseph in the Old Testament of the Bible gains fame as a dream interpreter. Dreams are structured as language and most dreams are metaphors and metonymies.
Rootedness: The ancestors of tradition by Toni Morrison
The autobiographical form of the novel is classic in Black-American and Afro-American Literature. The birth of the industrial revolution saw the rise of the novel. I incorporate Black culture into my fiction. Black Literature is rooted in ancestors.
Englands of the Mind by Seamus Heaney
Ted Hughes the poet relies on Anglo-Saxon and Norse traditions. Hughes poetry is enmeshed with personified metaphors. For example: stones cry/horizons endure/dreams are the fetus of Gods.
The Exile of Evaluation by Barbara Smith
New movements have emerged in literary studies like New Criticism, Structuralism, Feminism, Postmodernism and Gay literature. Literary studies in America have been shaped by positivistic philological scholarship and by humanistic pedagogy.
The Hollow Miracle by George Steiner
Brecht, Kafka and Mann did not succeed on mastering their own culture but they found themselves to be eccentrics.
The Text, poem and the problem of the Historical Method
The 20th century gave way to new methods of criticism. According to Roman Jacobson, poetics deals with the problems of the verbal structure.
History and Fiction by Laurence Lerner
The novel is a total invention with delusory approximations to historical reality. History is a form of fiction. The weakness of realism as a theory is that it does not show what is specific to art.
Introduction to meta-history by Hayden White
There are three levels of conceptualization and they are the chronicle, story and mode of emplotment. Chronicles are open ended. The aim of the historian is to uncover stories buried in chronicles. Emplotment is a way by which sequence of events fashioned into a story is gradually revealed. There are four types of emplotment and they are romance, comedy, tragedy and satire.
When was post-colonialism the limit by Stuart Hall
Colonialism exists as a binary division between the colonizer and the colonized. There’s an ambivalence in the discourse of colonialism. Post-colonialism is a reconstruction of literature, its meaning and value. English literature assimilated the cultural traditions of the colonies. Is the concept of colonial meaning Euro-centric?
The Babel of Interpretations by E D Hirsch
No single meanings can interpret the meaning of texts. There are possible interpretations and compatible interpretations. Interpretations of a text vary from age to age.