January 24, 2025
Stop Low Cost, High Volume Gyms From Taking Your Members

Everyone is looking for a piece of the pie in the fitness industry. Low cost, high volume (LCHV) gyms have emerged as a means of appealing to budget conscious consumers. These gyms, as the name implies, offer low cost membership fees with a high volume of fitness equipment; however, customer service often lacks as well as one-on-one fitness instruction. Use your gym management software to your advantage by tracking member behavior and implementing retention strategies.

Promote Your Fully-Staffed Facilities

Gym newcomers may think it is a no-brainer to join a facility that is cheap and open when they need it with a good selection of equipment available for them to use. These are exactly the members who should not join these gyms! Gym newcomers often begin their fitness routine with a gung-ho attitude; however, they soon may grow frustrated with the equipment without proper instruction. LCHVs’ lack a personal touch, which is imperative to keeping new members engaged and motivated with their fitness routine.

Full-service gyms are staffed with professionals, who are available to assist members with proper use of equipment, developing fitness routines, and even providing a spot when needed. Traditional gyms are also able to provide group fitness classes and other programs that work to keep members excited about working out and motivated to make exercise a part of their daily routine. LCHVs often control costs by limiting their floor staff, professional trainers, and fitness classes. Traditional gyms can combat LCHVs by promoting their customer service and professional staff.

Promote Your Equipment

Most LCHVs are stocked with a large quantity of equipment and machines. They often tout that their members don’t have to wait for their favorite machine and that their facilities offer unmatched convenience. Both of these are great selling points; however, it is the quality of the machines and equipment that is lacking. Most LCHV facility managers will tell you that stocking a gym with a large quantity of machines comes at a hefty price tag. Constant maintenance and repair on the equipment is an additional cost consideration; therefore, many LCHV gyms chose to stock their gyms with low-tech, low maintenance machines and equipment. Most traditional gyms are able to offer their clients up-to-date equipment that receives regular maintenance and repair. You should highlight this fact in your promotions.

Promote the Value of Your Gym Membership

LCHVs offer extreme discounts on memberships, which bring in a large pool of members. It also allows for an inherent marketing strategy – cost savings. These members may or may not be committed to their fitness routine. They are attracted by the price; however, some may lack true motivation. This is where your full-service gym can come in and regain the market share.

Get Member Insight From Your Gym Management Software

You can use your gym management software to keep a constant tab on member habits. You can run reports to identify “at risk” members and create promotions directly targeted towards them. Your promotions should tout your built in support system, which is provided by staff and members, alike. Your members need to understand the real value of your gym.