January 19, 2025
How To Stop Prospecting In Network Marketing

The job of prospecting in network marketing the old fashion way is the most critical element of making a task into a career for the marketer. It can be a very tough business getting enough prospects to join your downline and stay there. Many new independent distributors will quit in the first few weeks when they discover what prospecting for their downline is really all about. At times, it may seem that this is the only thing you do when you join a network marketing company – track down prospects.

The traditional way to build your network’s downline is to overwork the entire process. Attending weekly meetings to rally the cause, chase after your family, friends and anyone else that dares to step within three feet of you. After too much of this, you begin to wonder if that sales job selling vacuum cleaners door to door might have been a better option for you. Chasing down prospective leads for your downline can burn you out quickly!

The old school methods that many network marketers take is still being enforced by many network marketing companies today. They want their network marketers going out and looking through every corner of humanity for fresh prospects.

Way back in the 1990s, a network marketer named Mike Ray saw a ray of sunshine break through the clouds of the old prospecting techniques. This brilliant ray of light shone down it’s beam directly on the Internet. Mike was struck by a revolutionary idea to build his network marketing business online.

Of course, everyone thought Mr. Ray must be burned out from trying to out-prospect everyone in the company. Even a few of his network downline distributors thought Mike’s Internet idea was very insane. But despite all of the advice he got to leave it alone, Mike persevered with his crazy Internet idea. Today, Mike Ray is a millionaire with almost 36,000 individuals in his business.

Because of Mr. Ray’s insane revelation, the Internet is a lot busier with network marketers working online to generate solid leads for their downlines with amazing results. Over the years, many methods and techniques are used by network marketers to let the prospects come to them instead of running around trying to find them.

Today, there are thousands of respected network marketing companies that thrive on the Internet. Sad to say, there are still many companies that seem to hold themselves back from the newer online methods to do business. Change can be slow sometimes.

Many network marketers are not only generating targeted leads that convert to their downlines, they are also showing the new network marketers everything they need to do in order to create their own lead generators.

As the Internet grows, so do new ways of doing business. Most of today’s network marketers are always one step ahead of the changes and advancements that come into play online. Duplicating success has always been the lifeblood of a network marketer. The Internet provides several tools that can easily be set up to generate leads, so no one should ever have to cold call from a lead list again.